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At the intersection of music and technology Muserk launched in 2017, building a modern service that solves one of the most complicated and outdated systems in the music industry, copyrights and rights management. At its core, Muserk is a sophisticated scalable rights management and monetization solution that identifies and claims ...

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Emily McGee

Muserk gives rights management an update the music industry has been waiting for

The music industry’s jump from physical to digital kicked off a scramble to track and streamline the flow of royalties back to the artist. Still, the system for collecting royalties is an antiquated process, incapable of matching today’s modern technology standards. Muserk, the global leader in digital rights management for music and video, challenges this status quo–bringing the industry up to speed by pioneering AI-driven solutions to collect royalties and pay artists faster.

With over 50 global contracts, Muserk manages over 12 million copyrights worldwide. Its US Patented AI-powered platform, Blue Matter, was built specifically to handle the ever-changing workflow of rights management on a global scale–protecting, matching, and monetizing content for all rightsholders across all media formats.

Founder and CEO Paul Goldman worked for two decades as an award-winning television composer, launching a full service audio and music post-production business that worked on big projects like The MTV Video Music Awards. Just one televised award show is a massive undertaking that requires several licensed tracks, from musical opening numbers to bumpers before and after commercial breaks. Goldman’s production company worked on the VMAs for eight straight years. 

By the time he was 40, Goldman was running a high-level multi-studio business. Despite decades of experience in the music and entertainment industries, he still didn't know anything about royalties or rights management. It wasn’t until a friend asked him about his publishing royalties that he realized he had been missing out on decades worth of royalty income. 

“I contacted ASCAP to inquire about my royalties, but they didn’t have a way of tracking the hundreds of credits to my name by that point so we agreed to a small settlement,” explains Goldman. “It was at this point that I realized there must be a lot of other artists like me who have no idea that they have royalties waiting to be claimed.”

Hoping to prevent other composers and artists from running into the same issues he had faced, Goldman launched Muserk, and with an understanding of legal copyright from his previous advertising work, he found rights management to be a natural fit. Today, Muserk represents copyrights from over 50 nations across 98 territories.

“As a result of the industry’s outdated rights management infrastructure, 50% of royalties are lost and never make it to their rightful owners,” says Goldman. “Muserk is here to do what’s right–to help artists collect what is theirs and to create an ecosystem that makes that possible.”

About Muserk

At the intersection of music and technology Muserk launched in 2017, building a modern service that solves one of the most complicated and outdated systems in the music industry, copyrights and rights management. At its core, Muserk is a sophisticated scalable rights management and monetization solution that identifies and claims ownership of digital content securely with speed and accuracy, collecting fees from users to ensure proper and timely payments for rights owners.